– Success with the HCG Weight Loss System comes from strictly following the diet.
Take HCG drops as directed on the bottle. If you find yourself hungrier some days, take the drops as many times a day as you need to control your appetite. Or, simply take more drops at dose times.
Take a before and after picture of yourself – the change can be quite dramatic! Also, record your measurements and do so each week to track your progress.
NOTE: You must activate the drops each time you take them – slap the bottom of the bottle on your hand 10 times to activate.
Supplements: Take Vitamin B12 and Potassium daily while on this diet. Vitamin B12 helps energy levels and Potassium keeps your electrolytes balanced. Always purchase good quality supplements. No other vitamins are required, however, you may take supplements that do not contain sugar, starch or oil.
Taking the Drops:
- Place the drops under your tongue and hold as long as you can – about two minutes – and then swallow. Don’t have anything to drink or eat 10 minutes before and after taking the drops.
Day One and Day Two:
- Take the HCG drops according to the bottle – three times each day at approximately 8-hour intervals. Do not eat, smoke or drink anything for a least 10 minutes before and after taking the drops.
- Drink at least two litres of water per day.
- Gorge yourself, and eat as much as you want of anything. This is very important to your success. Don’t worry about weight gain; it will come off very quickly.
Day Three and Onward:
- Every morning after using the toilet, weigh yourself without clothes. Keep a daily record of your weight.
- Take your HCG drops as directed on the bottle. Take more if needed.
- Drink a minimum of two litres of water per day.
- You may eat less food, but not more, and don’t skip meals.
- Eat only the foods outlined on the diet sheet – follow it exactly. Remember, NO oil, butter or dressings of any kind.
- You may eat less than your daily allowance of food. You can break up the food into smaller meals if you like, for example, you might want to save the fruit and Melba toast for snacks.
- You may eat less but never more!
Do’s and Don’ts:
- No over-the-counter medications or food supplements containing oil, sugar or starch.
- No creams or lotions unless they are free of chemicals.
- No deodorant – you may use a crystal rock found in health food stores, if you like
- Exercise is not necessary for the diet to work, but going for a 30-minute walk will add to your success.
- If it is not on the diet, don’t eat it, drink it or chew it!
Hunger Pangs:
- Mild hunger may vary from time to time, and from person to person, and will usually last only a few days at the start. Most people have no problem at all, especially if they ate a lot the first two days of gorging.
- Take a few drops of HCG as often as you need to keep your appetite under control.
- If you get hungry at the same time each day, save one of your fruits to eat at that time.
You Aren’t Losing Weight And/Or You Are Constipated:
- Continue taking your drops and drinking your water, and eat six apples throughout the day. No other food is allowed. This will break the plateau, and solve your tummy trouble.
- For constipation, try taking Magnesium – take enough until you are able to go. It is best to take it at night.
Program Duration:
- You should be on this program for the 27 days in order to reset the hypothalamus, and no longer than 42 days. If you have more weight to lose after being on the program for 42 days, take six weeks off from the diet, eating a normal amount of calories except you are not allowed starches and sugars. After six weeks, you can restart the HCG program.
Ending the Diet:
- The last three days of your diet, you do not take any drops. It takes about three days (72 hours) to get the drops out of your system. Continue on the 500-calorie diet for the three days you are off the drops. If you find yourself very hungry by the third day, you make eat a little extra protein.
- After the drops are out of your system, you may eat normally, but have no sugars or starches. Read labels carefully. If you are not familiar with which foods have sugar and starch, search out books and Internet articles to identify those foods. Be an avid label reader!
For three weeks after stopping the drops, you are allowed to eat whatever you want, as long as there are NO STARCHES and NO SUGARS.
Continue to weigh yourself every day. You are not to lose more than two pounds or gain more than two pounds. If you lose, you need to eat more. If you gain, you need to do a ‘steak day”.’
Steak Day:
Anytime during the stabilization or maintenance period that you gain two pounds, the very same day you weigh over, do not eat any food until the evening meal. Then eat a large steak cooked in oil or butter, and one apple or a tomato. The weight should be gone by morning.
For the following three weeks, slowly add in other foods; continue to weigh yourself every day – use the steak day if you gain more than two pounds. Make note of the foods that make you gain weight, and minimize your intake of those foods.
Taking a Break Because of Unforeseen Interruptions:
See page 28 of Dr. Simeon’s Book ‘Pounds & Inches’.
Please email your questions and success stories to hcg.metamorphosis@hotmail.com